If you live in the Altrincham area then your nearest driving centre is Sale.At the moment Sale is showing a 44% pass rate.Other local test centres are Whalley Range,41 % pass rate and Northwich 55%.Does this mean Northwich has easier test routes?Not necessarily according to the DSA."Socio-economic factors also have a significant bearing on pass rates. The wealthier the town/area, the more likely people are to invest more money in lessons and to have more opportunities for private practice (access to family vehicle(s) etc.). The age and gender of the candidates will also affect the pass rate at the test centre. In general, younger candidates have a higher pass rate, and males have a higher pass rate than females.When comparing pass/fail statistics, it is important to take account of the differences in location, the deprivation of the local area and the age and gender of the candidates, alongside the number of tests conducted."
In my opinion,when you are ready for your test,your driving will be of a standard to pass at any test centre.Having said that, its always worth familiarising your self with a test area if possible.Some of the Sale test routes can be sneaky,so its worth having an instructor who is familiar with the Timperley and Wythenshawe areas for your driving lessons.Visit Amba Driving School for driving lessons in the Altrincham area.
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