Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Whats the best time to take your driving test

I get asked this question a lot by pupils when booking their driving test.There are no easy times to take your test but certain times of the day will influence the routes examiners can take.If your learning to driver in the Altrincham area then Sale is your nearest test center.The first test of the day at 8.20 will mean the traffic is heavy and so the test routes will not venture too far away and the number of routes available will be far fewer than later in the day.The downside to an early test time is that it is very busy but you will have a fairly good idea where the examiner will take you.You also have to get out of bed early.Of course when your ready to take your test you will be competent and experienced enough to be able to deal with all possible roads and situations including;Dual carriageways,country lanes,busy large and small roundabouts,town driving etc.A good driving instructor will ensure you have experience of all the road types you are likely to encounter when you have passed your test. Amba Driving School

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